Some thoughts on ending Mamamoods

When I first decided to partner on Mamamoods, I was excited to develop a brand that embodied the authenticity of motherhood that I’m committed to sharing with the outside world; a way to cultivate community around the journey and how its realities can be imperfect and still feel good.

For two years before we launched, I loved being a part of the creative process, building a brand’s look, feel, and energy. I wanted to infuse it with humor, encourage connection, and create a platform where moms could come and feel like they were being seen and heard. Many of you were, and are, my inspiration.

As we neared our launch date, things began to happen professionally and personally that were extremely challenging yet would subsequently become beautifully transformative. A wave of loss began and weighed heavy on my emotional well-being in many ways. Overwhelming feelings of anxiety and sadness have been hard for me to navigate, especially while having to show up every day for my husband, kids, work, and all the responsibilities of life. During this time, I took deep introspection and had hours of meaningful conversations, gaining a newfound clarity for the next chapter. I feel myself getting to the other side, and I can see how beautiful it will be.

I’ve always been someone who worked hard and tried to do my best. For years, I stayed in jobs for way too long because I was focused on doing a “good job” and people-pleasing without any time spent thinking about what I wanted. If this year has taught me anything, it’s that life is precious, time is fleeting, and how we spend our time and to whom and what we give our attention needs to be thoughtfully considered.

It’s been hard and humbling to face the fact that Mamamoods, a project I collaborated on for almost two years, no longer aligns with the future my family and I are committed to. And, a younger me would have just put my head down and powered on, caught up in ego and worried about what everyone would think if I chose to exit the partnership so soon. But, the beautiful thing about getting older is knowing yourself more confidently and with honor, and having the freedom to make a change when a situation is bringing you more stress and anxiety than fulfillment.

Please know how grateful I am for all of your support along the way. Over the past six months, I’ve enjoyed growing the community and connecting with so many of you daily, laughing with you, learning from you, and feeling overwhelming support and love. This community continues to be an essential part of my motherhood journey, and I am so grateful for it.

More than anything, I wanted to say thank you. You have been the greatest cheerleaders. Your inspiration and connection have made a difference to me.

So many exciting things lie ahead….more to come soon. x Barrett

Photo credit: Morgan Pansing