How is it possible that Bruno just turned one!?! Here is a round up of his favorite birthday gifts this year!
1) Bruno is always trying to keep up with his older brothers. This bike is great for helping with balance and coordination in the early stages of walking and riding. I also love that it is super lightweight, so even if he falls over, it is easy for him to pick up the bike and try again.
2) For kids that are in the early stages of walking, this is the perfect toy to help them build confidence in their steps. Bruno pushes it back and forth over and over in the dining room while the whole family cheers him on!
3) All of my kids have had and loved this toy. It is great for developing fine motor stills and Bruno loves the sound effects of the balls falling on the xylophone.
4) The past week or so Bruno has been very fussy and clingy. Getting him in the bath is sometimes the only way I can put him down for awhile. He loves playing with cups and pouring water through these pipes, and they are super easy to stick to the side of the tub.
5) I am not always a fan of the toys that make lots of noise, but this one really does keep Bruno’s attention for quite some time. He loves banging the drums with the drumsticks and listening to the different sounds and songs.
6) My kids have always loved these kind of shape sorting toys. I like this one because it also has a figure in the front of the truck that Bruno likes to play with. A great toy to help them develop hand eye coordination and develop their fine motor skills.